
Industrial All Risks (IAR)


Industrial All Risks (IAR) is a Comprehensive Package Policy that incorporates Fire, Fire Loss of Profit, Theft and Accidental damage covers which a large industry may face during its operation.

What can be covered:

Industrial Buildings

Contents (Plant & machinery, furniture fixtures & fittings, office equipment)

Stock in trade



Industrial All Risks (IAR) is subdivided it two sections and it covers all risks not excluded by the policy.

Section A of the policy covers material damage to insured assets e.g. Buildings, Stocks, Plant and Machinery, Office contents, furniture and fittings etc…


Section B of the policy covers loss of profits or income caused by interruption of the business by a material damage loss under section A provided the material damage loss is admissible under the policy. Cover is provided under headings, Gross profit, Wages, Auditors fees & Increased cost of workings.

The policy is suitable for large establishments and once taken, there will be no need of taking out Fire and Fire Consequential Loss Policies as well as Burglary.



The damage to the insureds’ property caused by the following perils is covered:

   – Fire

   – Lightening

   – Earthquake

   – Explosion

   – Riot and strike/malicious damage.

   – Special perils A to H which, snow, wind, hurricane, cyclone, tornado or typhoon, flood or rain, impact, aircraft or articles falling, subterranean fire.

   – Burglary

   – Machinery Breakdown/ Boiler Explosion/Electronic Equipment Insurance

   – Business Interruption (Fire and all Special Perils)

   – The Machinery Loss of Profit cover is optional and can be included.

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Head office

First Assurance House,
Clyde Gardens,
Gitanga Road, Lavington