
Accident & Miscellaneous

Covers loss or damage to property in the premises arising through forcible and violent entry into or exit from the premises.

All Risks

This covers accidental loss, damage, or destruction from any cause, including fire, perils, and theft unless the cause is specifically excluded.

Fidelity Guarantee

Fidelity guarantee insurance cover the employer against risk of loss through fraud or dishonesty of employees.


Burglary insurance is a policy that covers losses or damage resulting from or following the unlawful break-in and entering of designated premises or places of safekeeping.

Political Violence

Political violence and terrorism (PVT) insurance covers an individual or company against physical loss and damage, as well as business interruption costs, because of a terrorist act or acts of political violence.

Plate Glass

The policy provides cover against loss and/or destruction/damage to glass by accident or misfortune of fortuitous nature. This cover can be arranged for display signs, fixed glass, and glass partitions in a business premises.

Money insurance

Money insurance cover provides for loss of money in direct transit or on premises including damage to safes or strong room caused by theft or any attempt threat.
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Head office

First Assurance House,
Clyde Gardens,
Gitanga Road, Lavington