

Liability insurance coverages help protect you or your business if someone files a lawsuit or reports a claim against your company. Listed below are the different types of liabilities.

product liability item image with cart and a white bag

Product Liability

Products liability insurance covers the Insured against all sums which the Insured will become legally liable to pay in

Trustee Liability

A trustees’ Liability insurance will provide Indemnity to trustees’ for wrongful acts which typically include an actual or alleged breach of duty

Public Liability

This policy indemnifies the insured against sums he may become legally liable to pay for damages to third parties .

Work Injury Benefit Act

This policy provides indemnity to an employer against legal liability under the workmen injury benefits act (2007) in respect to awards and assessments for bodily injury due to accident and occupational diseases arising out of and in the course of employment.

Employers Liability

Employers Liability Policy provides Indemnity to the employer against legal liability under common law for damages and claimant's costs and expenses of litigation and

Directors & Officers Liability

The policy covers directors and officers for any wrongful acts committed in their capacity as directors and officers of the Company .

Professional Indemnity

Covers professionals against any claim that may arise out of their professional work. Cover includes professional errors and omissions and/or negligence.
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First Assurance House,
Clyde Gardens,
Gitanga Road, Lavington