
Public liability


This policy indemnifies the insured against sums he may become legally liable to pay for damages to third parties in respect of the following:

Accidental Death to a third party person

Accidental Bodily Injury to third party person

Illness to a third party

Loss or damage to property belonging to a third party

Legal costs and expenses incurred to defend such matters or awarded against the insured.



Scope of cover includes damage to third parties in respect of the following:

Accidental Death to a third party person

Accidental Bodily Injury to third party person

Illness to a third party

Loss or damage to property belonging to a third party

Legal costs and expenses incurred to defend such matters or awarded against the insured.



Covers all legal liability to third parties following death, injury or damage to their property whilst in the institution’s premises.

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Head office

First Assurance House,
Clyde Gardens,
Gitanga Road, Lavington