
Work Injury Benefit Act


This policy provides indemnity to an employer against legal liability  under the  workmen injury benefits act (2007)  in respect to  awards  and assessments for bodily injury  due to accident and  occupational  diseases arising out of and in the  course of employment .

When WIBA Coverage is   extended to 24 hours it becomes WIBA PLUS



The maximum benefit for WIBA is set at 96 months’ salary.

WIBA plus cover can be arranged either on 3-, 5- or 8-years earnings depending on the options of the insured.

In the event of death of the insured’s employee, the insure will indemnify the insured’s legal personal representative.

 The accident or injury sustained by the insured’s employee must arise out of and in the course of employment for Work injury benefits act policy (WIBA).



 The benefits are calculated based on the employees’ earnings and according to the nature of the accident/injury.

   – Death

   – Permanent Total Disablement

   – Temporary Total Disablement

   – Medical Expense 

   – Funeral/Last expense cover

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Head office

First Assurance House,
Clyde Gardens,
Gitanga Road, Lavington